From what I can dig up, it was first produced in 1972. They later produced another similar pattern called Blue Onion, and more recently True Blue, but nothing is the same as Old Town Blue, so they brought it back. The popularity of the pattern can be seen in its collectible fashion–check out the 63 Best Images of Old Town Blue and Blue Onionon Pinterest, for an example. I see some pieces there I don’t have…. I want that butter dish!
I didn’t care for Corelle much for many years. I didn’t grow up with any Corelle. My mother loved her fine dishes. She had a (gorgeous) set of Franciscan Apple dishes for daily use, and several sets of fancy china. I never cared for china–too fancy for me!–and never cared for Corelle–perhaps because I was brought up in the atmosphere that one always set the table, even with small children, with “nice” dishes. You didn’t worry about the children breaking the dishes. Heavens, no. The children were well-behaved. OF COURSE.
But then I did get some Corelle dishes when my kids were little. Because they weren’t well-behaved and for some reason I didn’t even particularly expect them to Not break the dishes. (Hmmm.) I considered them throwaway dishes. (They were the more plain jane Cafe Blue Corelle.)
When I decided to get some new dishes recently (I had distributed out some of my other dishes to my now grown-up children), I had a craving for Corelle, and it absolutely had to be Old Town Blue. I can’t even explain why, but it just called to me. Got any Corelle? Favorite patterns? Are you a fan? And are they your “throwaway” dishes the kids can’t break, or your “real” ones?
]]>So if you want to support this scrappy farm – now is the time! Logos, illustrations, classes, soaps! I can also offer signed books in bundles with soap orders, speaking events, dulcimer classes, fiddle lessons, etc! Email me at
]]>New chicks will be delivered via post soon, probably tomorrow morning! I’ll head down to the post office with the dogs and use the trip to mail out some soap as well, checking two items off my to do list with a grin.
I’m very excited, guys! New chicks lift up the entire mood of this farmhouse! Their songs remind me that while yes—it is still gray and snowing here in Veryork—by the time these birds are ready to move outside there will be green grass and sunshine. I can’t wait for that boost. And like seedlings planted, or gardens plans drawn, these little steps towards production are in motion. And those steps are what turn a house into a farm. If you are using the land you occupy to grow food for yourself and others, congrats, you’re farming. Welcome to the club.
In more cloudy news: I am getting suspicious that the other two ewes I am hoping will lamb, won’t. This means buying in lambs like I did last year. I like the local Romneys available (like the ones pictures from last year) but would rather sell animals born here than ones I had to buy in. So fingers crossed for more lambs, kids, flowing milk, and wool in the next few weeks. In the meantime – I’m focusing on the work that pays the bills these days – design and illustration, as well as farm plans like dairy, eggs, lamb shares, and shorn beasties.
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Vestibulum posuere massa ut nulla tempus pharetra. Aenean eu mauris nec magna facilisis porttitor. In viverra urna sed lectus congue, a finibus nunc ornare. Aliquam non leo quis erat volutpat viverra ut nec eros. Phasellus aliquam laoreet lacus quis suscipit. Nunc eleifend eleifend turpis. Nullam non dapibus lectus. Nulla facilisi. Etiam placerat erat eget tortor fringilla euismod. Aenean rhoncus turpis erat, et vulputate dui lobortis id. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla tincidunt est elementum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu feugiat mi. Cras commodo fringilla lorem, eu maximus augue vestibulum a. Vivamus aliquet magna magna, a convallis tortor auctor finibus. Nullam fermentum, nulla non vehicula imperdiet, elit nulla gravida ante, finibus arcu lacus vulputate nisl. Curabitur ornare elit felis, ac sodales odio vehicula ut. Donec vehicula ipsum nibh, ut rutrum orci rutrum ac. Morbi at sem mauris.Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam tincidunt, felis vel euismod finibus.
Vestibulum posuere massa ut nulla tempus pharetra. Aenean eu mauris nec magna facilisis porttitor. In viverra urna sed lectus congue, a finibus nunc ornare. Aliquam non leo quis erat volutpat viverra ut nec eros. Phasellus aliquam laoreet lacus quis suscipit. Nunc eleifend eleifend turpis. Nullam non dapibus lectus. Nulla facilisi. Etiam placerat erat eget tortor fringilla euismod. Aenean rhoncus turpis erat, et vulputate dui lobortis id. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla tincidunt est elementum.