May there always be work
for your hands to do;
May your purse always
hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine
on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain
to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend
always be near you;
May God fill your heart
with gladness to cheer you

Welcome to Ponderovey Jerseys
owned and operated by the Rovey family. Paul and Deborah Rovey, along with their five children, manage the cows, the land and their team of employees. We are dedicated to providing you with wholesome, nutrient-dense, high-quality milk and dairy products. Our commitment to quality also means caring for our animals and the land.
In 1943, Emil Rovey, Paul’s father, purchased the farm where Ponderovey Dairy currently operates. Today, we are surrounded by urban development. We take great pride in being a good neighbor while producing milk for your family to enjoy.
America’s dairy industry is more than milk. It’s jobs and economic activity for the people of our country. The U.S. is home to a mixture of large and small dairy farms — both of which contribute to the local economy by supporting local businesses and the community tax base.
Milk produced by U.S. dairy farmers is processed into more than 1.5 billion pounds of butter, more than 9.7 billion pounds of cheese, more than 1.5 billion pounds of nonfat dry milk, and nearly 1.5 billion pounds of ice cream.
Dairy herds in the United States are quite diverse. The average dairy herd in the United States has about 128 cows. Arizona has the largest dairies, averaging approximately 2000 cows, followed by California, which averages 824 cows; the remaining top five include New Mexico with an average of 814 cows, Idaho with 684 cows, and Washington with 313 cows.